Fill out a Special Assistance form
Please enter your 8 digit booking reference
Please enter the name of the lead passenger on the booking
Please enter the name(s) of the passenger(s) who require assistance
Which Airline are you flying with?
Which Service is required? * Please select the type of assistance you require
Wheelchair required? * Please select
Taking own wheelchair? *
Is the wheelchair manually or battery operated? *
Type of battery of wheelchair?
Is wheelchair collapsible? * Please select
(Please state unit of weight)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
Taking own mobility scooter? *
Is the mobility scooter manually or battery operated?
Type of battery of mobility scooter?
(Please state unit of weight)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
Does it have removeable handlebars/ seat/ headrest/wheels *
Do you require extra Medical baggage?
Are you taking a CPAP machine? *
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of measurement)
(Please state unit of weight)
Will the CPAP machine be required on board the plane? *
Is the CPAP machine battery or mains operated? *
Can the battery be removed?
Can passenger(s) walk unaided? *
Can passenger(s) bend knees & sit in a seat? *
Will the medication be needed during the flight? *
Have you been hospitalised or had surgery within 14 days of travel?
Does the passenger(s) suffer from asthma/breathing difficulties?
Any requirements for extra Oxygen (subject to airline conditions and availability)
Do you have any condition that affects any major organs?
Are you undergoing any cancer treatment including chemotherapy or radiotherapy?
If transfers have been booked with us, are the passenger(s) able to climb the coach steps? *
Preferred method of contact *